Queenswayにある Royal China(皇朝)でdim sum(飲茶)をしました。
Crab Meat Fin Dumpling in Soup(カニ身とフカヒレワンタンのスープ),
Chili Pork Dumpling(豚肉シューマイのピリ辛生姜醤油ソース漬け),
Sticky Rice Rolls with Dried Meat & Shrimp(豚肉と海老入りチマキ),
Royal China Cheung Fun(海老、焼き豚、牛肉の腸粉巻き),
Sliced Pork& Salted fish Rice Pot(豚肉と塩漬け魚の丼),
Daily Home Made Tofu Dessert (Ginger Syrup)(生姜シロップ漬け豆腐)。
Brown's Hotelの English Tea RoomでTraditional Afternoon Teaをしました。
メニューには1ページに渡ってお茶の種類が書いてあります。紅茶と中国茶の中にはオーガニックのお茶もありました。私はオーソドックスにBrown's Afternoon Brendを夫はOrganic Silver Needle White Teaを選びました。私のお茶はミルクでもレモンでも飲め、夫のはストレートのみです。ウェイターが最初の一杯を注いでくれたのですが、お茶が出ておらず「ちょっとお兄さん、気が早いんじゃない?」と心でつぶやきました。
メニューには1ページに渡ってお茶の種類が書いてあります。紅茶と中国茶の中にはオーガニックのお茶もありました。私はオーソドックスにBrown's Afternoon Brendを夫はOrganic Silver Needle White Teaを選びました。私のお茶はミルクでもレモンでも飲め、夫のはストレートのみです。ウェイターが最初の一杯を注いでくれたのですが、お茶が出ておらず「ちょっとお兄さん、気が早いんじゃない?」と心でつぶやきました。
23rd Annual ASC Awards Gala
映画製作の縁の下を支える人達の恒例の式典、23rd Annual ASC Awards Gala が Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel で開催されました。有り難いことに昨年に続いて今年もご招待いただき、ハリウッドの式典のひとつに末席ながら参加することができました。
映画業界の中では地味な式典ではありますが、この式典のお楽しみは何といっても映画スターのゲスト。今回お目にかかることができたのは、80歳間近でもまだまだ元気な Clint Eastwood とトップスターの貫禄が出てきた Amy Adams のお二人。二人とも映画製作者を上手に讃えるスピーチも素晴らしく、ハリウッド生活の醍醐味をたっぷり楽しませてもらいました。
映画業界の中では地味な式典ではありますが、この式典のお楽しみは何といっても映画スターのゲスト。今回お目にかかることができたのは、80歳間近でもまだまだ元気な Clint Eastwood とトップスターの貫禄が出てきた Amy Adams のお二人。二人とも映画製作者を上手に讃えるスピーチも素晴らしく、ハリウッド生活の醍醐味をたっぷり楽しませてもらいました。
ザバンク 堕ちた巨像
渋いリーアム・ニーソンパパがかわいい娘を救出するためにマフィア相手に暴れるアクションムービーです。リーアムが奮闘するのを見るのはスターウォーズ以来で、マフィアと戦っているシーンでは、頑張れQui-Gon Jinn!と応援してしまいました。
Cocktail Grapefruits
お気に入りの食品雑貨店Trader Joe'sで見つけたグレープフルーツです。
このグレープフルーツは皮が柔らかくて剥きやすく、果肉は水分が多くてひたすら甘い。それも当然でグレープフルーツの形はしているけれど、Frua Mandarin Orange(マンダリン)と Pummelo(ポメロ)を掛け合わせて作った新種の柑橘類です。みかんの甘さとポメロの爽やかな果汁が味わえます。
このグレープフルーツは皮が柔らかくて剥きやすく、果肉は水分が多くてひたすら甘い。それも当然でグレープフルーツの形はしているけれど、Frua Mandarin Orange(マンダリン)と Pummelo(ポメロ)を掛け合わせて作った新種の柑橘類です。みかんの甘さとポメロの爽やかな果汁が味わえます。
Speechの授業でPersuative Speechの課題が与えられました。私は前回のThe Tips for Saving Moneyでも触れた「節電」をテーマにしました。
Electricity and Our Life
We, human beings, breathe. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Not only human beings but also animals, birds, fish, and all living things breathe and produce carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide normally exists in the air. We are surrounded by carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has two problems. One of them is carbon dioxide levels in the air. If carbon dioxide levels rise three percentage, we faint away and our brains have damaged. Furthermore, no one can survive in the seven percentage of carbon dioxide. The other problem is global warming.
I like reading books. When I went to a public library, I found a children book drawn by an elementary school girl. The book showed me several environmental problems that we face today. I am interested in the environmental problems since then.
First, I will explain the global warming. Second, I will show an example which causes the global warming through power stations. At last, I will indicate several solutions.
Back to carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is heavier than the air. It builds up higher and higher, then wraps around surface of the earth. On the other hand, the sun gives us light and heat. The heat from the sun reaches surface of the earth and reflects in the air. Carbon dioxide in the air keeps the heat reflected on the ground. This is so called the greenhouse effects. The earth is covered by warm blanket and the temperature gradually goes up by the greenhouse effect. This is the global warming.
The global warming causes severe damage to the earth. First, the warm temperature melts glaciers and icebergs in Antarctica or North Pole. The water came from glaciers and icebergs goes up sea level. If one inch raised sea level, several cities in the world go under water. Moreover, the global warming promotes to expand desert areas. If the temperature went up, cold areas would become warm areas, warm areas would become hot areas. Human beings get accustomed to changing temperature, however, most animal and plants can't. For this reason, animals and plants on the earth are endangered. Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide. Our breath doesn't harm as much as power stations.
Our modern life is based on electricity. We can't live without electricity. Imaging that electricity went out in your home, you couldn't watch Super Bowl on TV, take a shower, and do assignments. You use home electric, for example: an air conditioner, a fridge, a coffee maker, and so on. Not only using home electrics but also supplying water and gases to each house, work place, and school is necessary. To supply electricity, power stations work in 24 hours, 7 days.
Our life depends on electricity from power stations which produce a great quantity of carbon dioxide. I will mention the types of power stations, then advantage and disadvantage of them.
We have three types of power stations, such as: Fossil Fueled power stations, Nuclear power stations, and Renewable Energy power stations.
Fossil Fueled power stations are operated by oil, coal, and natural gas. As Fossil Fueled power stations produce the largest amount of carbon dioxide of all power stations, the usage of this type of power stations harm the environment and endanger lives of people and wildlife.
Nuclear power stations are operated by uranium. Although Nuclear power stations are the cleanest and the most powerful of all power stations, this type of power stations are much more expensive to build and operate than Fossil Fueled power stations. In addition, Nuclear power stations create dangerous radioactive waste from used uranium.
Renewable Energy power stations are operated by water, wind, geothermal, and the sun. As those resources can use again and again, we don't have to worry about the shortage of resources. On the other hand, dams change the landscape, flood farmland, and destroy wildlife habitat.
Carbon dioxide damages people directly and indirectly, even so we don't want to give up our developed convenient life. We have to admit to having three barrier which are ignorance, money, and underdevelopment. First, many people who use home electronics are not interested in electricity and power stations. Second, large companies chase benefit but don't concern about social benefit. Third, a few researchers have looked for the solution of energy problems. I would like to share several solutions.
Education is the first key of solution. In many European countries and Asian countries, for example: Germany, Denmark, Japan, school children have studied the environmental problems since they were in the first grade. As they learned it, when they grow up, the people in those countries naturally join some programs to solve the problems.
Researching is the second key of solution. Every power station has disadvantage. The government and companies have to put money into researches which can improve power stations and find new Eco-friendly energy.
Saving energy is the third key of solution. Once I went to an old luxury hotel in New York where decorated antique furniture and large chandeliers on the ceilings in the lobby. However, saving energy light bulbs and saving water faucets are used in the guest rooms. Using saving energy products in official buildings and public places reduce carbon dioxide. Furthermore, electricity generated by roof-top solar panels is cheaper than energy generated at central power stations. Improved photovoltaic panels will lower costs in the future.
Education, researching, and saving energy are key of solutions. The global warming related our daily consumption of electricity. Let's start to reduce carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide normally exists in the air. We are surrounded by carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has two problems. One of them is carbon dioxide levels in the air. If carbon dioxide levels rise three percentage, we faint away and our brains have damaged. Furthermore, no one can survive in the seven percentage of carbon dioxide. The other problem is global warming.
I like reading books. When I went to a public library, I found a children book drawn by an elementary school girl. The book showed me several environmental problems that we face today. I am interested in the environmental problems since then.
First, I will explain the global warming. Second, I will show an example which causes the global warming through power stations. At last, I will indicate several solutions.
Back to carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is heavier than the air. It builds up higher and higher, then wraps around surface of the earth. On the other hand, the sun gives us light and heat. The heat from the sun reaches surface of the earth and reflects in the air. Carbon dioxide in the air keeps the heat reflected on the ground. This is so called the greenhouse effects. The earth is covered by warm blanket and the temperature gradually goes up by the greenhouse effect. This is the global warming.
The global warming causes severe damage to the earth. First, the warm temperature melts glaciers and icebergs in Antarctica or North Pole. The water came from glaciers and icebergs goes up sea level. If one inch raised sea level, several cities in the world go under water. Moreover, the global warming promotes to expand desert areas. If the temperature went up, cold areas would become warm areas, warm areas would become hot areas. Human beings get accustomed to changing temperature, however, most animal and plants can't. For this reason, animals and plants on the earth are endangered. Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide. Our breath doesn't harm as much as power stations.
Our modern life is based on electricity. We can't live without electricity. Imaging that electricity went out in your home, you couldn't watch Super Bowl on TV, take a shower, and do assignments. You use home electric, for example: an air conditioner, a fridge, a coffee maker, and so on. Not only using home electrics but also supplying water and gases to each house, work place, and school is necessary. To supply electricity, power stations work in 24 hours, 7 days.
Our life depends on electricity from power stations which produce a great quantity of carbon dioxide. I will mention the types of power stations, then advantage and disadvantage of them.
We have three types of power stations, such as: Fossil Fueled power stations, Nuclear power stations, and Renewable Energy power stations.
Fossil Fueled power stations are operated by oil, coal, and natural gas. As Fossil Fueled power stations produce the largest amount of carbon dioxide of all power stations, the usage of this type of power stations harm the environment and endanger lives of people and wildlife.
Nuclear power stations are operated by uranium. Although Nuclear power stations are the cleanest and the most powerful of all power stations, this type of power stations are much more expensive to build and operate than Fossil Fueled power stations. In addition, Nuclear power stations create dangerous radioactive waste from used uranium.
Renewable Energy power stations are operated by water, wind, geothermal, and the sun. As those resources can use again and again, we don't have to worry about the shortage of resources. On the other hand, dams change the landscape, flood farmland, and destroy wildlife habitat.
Carbon dioxide damages people directly and indirectly, even so we don't want to give up our developed convenient life. We have to admit to having three barrier which are ignorance, money, and underdevelopment. First, many people who use home electronics are not interested in electricity and power stations. Second, large companies chase benefit but don't concern about social benefit. Third, a few researchers have looked for the solution of energy problems. I would like to share several solutions.
Education is the first key of solution. In many European countries and Asian countries, for example: Germany, Denmark, Japan, school children have studied the environmental problems since they were in the first grade. As they learned it, when they grow up, the people in those countries naturally join some programs to solve the problems.
Researching is the second key of solution. Every power station has disadvantage. The government and companies have to put money into researches which can improve power stations and find new Eco-friendly energy.
Saving energy is the third key of solution. Once I went to an old luxury hotel in New York where decorated antique furniture and large chandeliers on the ceilings in the lobby. However, saving energy light bulbs and saving water faucets are used in the guest rooms. Using saving energy products in official buildings and public places reduce carbon dioxide. Furthermore, electricity generated by roof-top solar panels is cheaper than energy generated at central power stations. Improved photovoltaic panels will lower costs in the future.
Education, researching, and saving energy are key of solutions. The global warming related our daily consumption of electricity. Let's start to reduce carbon dioxide.
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