
Grandtour 2009-01: New York, NY

週末の休みを前後に延長して、昨年 9 月以来の New York に行ってきました。 今回のテーマは Waldorf=Astoria 滞在と Broadway での観劇と Heartland Brewery の堪能です。 LA から 5~6 時間の飛行ですが、空港アクセスの利便性も手伝って、気軽に NY を訪れることができるのはうれしい限りです。 こちらに住んでいる間にまだまだ活用したいと思います。

2009-01-29: 夕方早々に職場放棄して一旦帰宅。連れ合いとバタバタと荷造りをして LAX に向かう。身軽な荷物に忘れ物の心配をしながらも余裕でチェックイン。その直後に我が家の愛機 α300 を忘れてきたことに気付く。幸い DSC-W1 はリュックの片隅にあったので、今回はこれで我慢することに。LAX->JFK 便の UA22 は United ご自慢の P.S.(Premium Service) 便ということで、国内線ではありがなら 3 クラス制の機体。ビジネスクラスは国際線のシートに近い作りになっているのがうれしい。

2009-01-30: 約 5 時間の飛行で早朝の JFK に到着。まっすぐホテルに向かってもまだチェックインできなさそうなので、ラウンジで一休みしながら時間を稼ぐ。空港の売店で New York 観光の必需品 TimeOut New York を購入し、観劇の計画を練り始める。
Manhattan までの移動は Jamaica まで AirTrain が開通したことで、従来の A Line 経由ではなく E Line を利用。AirTrain が $5 というのはちょっとぼったくられた気分だが、それでも地下鉄の $2 と合わせても $7 で 1 時間足らずで Manhattan まで移動できるというのは、日本の某成田空港に比べると十分納得のいく利便性といえる。
今回の宿泊は HHonors ポイントを利用して、初めての Waldorf=Astoria。Diamond 専用ルームで至れり尽くせりのチェックイン。 先ずはシャワーを浴びて仮眠を取る。日頃の疲れも溜まっていたので、夕方になってからの散策開始。 徒歩圏に Grand Central や Times Square があるので、食事や観劇にこと欠かないのがうれしい。 TKTS で半額チケットの下調べをした後、Heartland Brewery Chophouse で満腹満足。

2009-01-31: 前回発見したベーグル専門店 Ess-a-Bagel で朝昼兼用のベーグルサンドを購入。 土曜マチネ 2 時開演の 1 時間前ということで、TKTS で殆ど行列なしでチケット購入。 Roundabout Theater で Hedda Gabler を楽しむ。 今晩の夕食は Heartland Brewery RadioCity で満腹満足。 夜はホテルに戻ってゆったりラウンジでカクテルとビールをいただきながら、連れ合いと翌日の計画を立てる。 ロビーフロアは殆ど無料 WiFi 接続可なので、これを活用させてもらって翌日の観劇チケットをウェブ購入。

2009-02-01: 今日も朝昼兼用で Ess-a-Bagel のベーグルサンドを購入。Off-off Broadway の小さな劇場 CSC で Uncle Vanya を楽しむ。今晩の夕食は Heartland Brewery Union Square。三夜連続の Heartland Brewery で満腹満足。今夜もホテルのラウンジでカクテルをいただいた後、ロビーでネット接続。

2009-02-02: あっという間の最終日。今朝も Ess-a-Bagel のベーグルサンドの食べ納め。さらに我が家の食卓のお土産に各種ベーグル 9 個を購入。荷造りを済ませて 1 時にチェックアウト。ホテルに荷物を預けて近くを散策。3 時に荷物を引き取り、着いた時の逆の経路で JFK に向かう。Midtown Manhattan から 1 時間足らず $7 で空港に着けるのはやはりうれしい。帰りの JFK->LAX も UA25 P.S. 便。アップグレードも完了しており、ゆったり帰路につく。

LA と NY 。米国の東西を代表する大都市ですが、何度行っても文化レベルの格差の大きさを感じてしまいます。プチバケーションで頭をリフレッシュできた週末でした。











Speechの授業で Informative Speechの課題が与えられました。テーマは自由で、自分の経験を元に図書館にある資料を使って内容を掘り下げて整理して伝えることが最低限のルールでした。私は「節約」をテーマにしました。

Some Tips for Saving Money
The world faces a severe recession. We see several articles including the terms: recession, lay off, or fall, on newspapers everyday. Here is some examples, a newspaper in US told that California hospitals feel ill effects of recession and US Holiday consumer Tech Sales Fall 5.7%. Moreover, US department of labor said 7.3 millions of people were employed part time for economic reasons in November 2008. Not only U.S. but European and Asian countries tend to have similar situations. A Japanese newspaper said new car sales dropped 22.3% in December. The news can makes us gloomy, however, we would like to get through recession without giving up our happy lives.

One day, while I was watching a TV show presented by Living Network, I got some tips for a "smart living". I would like to share with some tips for saving money.
First, I will introduce a smart shopping, then inform saving energy costs, and at last suggest to find cooperators.

You have bought something that you didn't need, after you strolled in the mall, haven't you? To avoid spending useless money, I will tell you a smart shopping. The tips are to organize your items, to think before you buy, and to bring a list when you go shopping.
To organize your closet, you prepare three bags and put your clothes into them. The first bag uses the clothes you want to keep, the second bag uses the clothes you throw away or donate, and the third bag uses the clothes you maybe wear. After organized, you should keep a low number of your items in each one of closet. If you buy one new clothes, you should throw away one old clothes. If you buy one new shoes, you should put old shoes into thrash can. As long as you keep the rule, you consider to buy new items.
Now that you control items, you may go shopping, but remember it that before you leave home, determine you needs and put them down on paper. Ant then don't buy anything that's not on the list, no matter how wonderful or how cheep it is. Even the discount item isn't a bargain if you don't need it.
Organizing the closets, deciding what you needs, and bringing a shopping list are makes you control buying on impulse. You become a smart shopper and don't spend useless money.

Next, saving budget. We also reduce our electricity, gas, water.
Replace light bulbs. If you replace nine standard bulbs with an energy-efficient compact fluorescent-bulbs, you will reduce your electricity bills by more than $100 over the lives of those bulbs.
A simple way to cut your heating and cooling costs is to turn your thermostat down one degree in winter and up one degree in summer. One degree can save up to $100 a year on your heating and cooling bills.
Use water-saving shower-heads and faucets. If the average family uses water-saving faucets and shower-heads, the family can save nearly 8,000 gallons of water a year. The family saves more than $100.
As a result of replacing light bulbs, turn thermostat one degree up or down, and use water-saving shower-heads and faucets, you can save more than $300.

At last, I suggest to find cooperator. Los Angeles is a cosmopolitan city. People gather here from all over the world. You have your own custom, culture, and wisdom. Shall we exchange the idea of saving money. We get important information and support each other.

In conclusion, I introduced a smart shopping, saving energy cost, and find cooperators. A small change in our life become a large amount of saving money. Let's start from today.



Three Bears by Byron Barton
Once upon a time, there were three bears.
There was a Papa Bear and a Mama Bear and a Baby bear.
One day Mama Bear made some hot porridge. She made a big bowl for Papa Bear. A medium-size bowl for Mama Bear. And a small bowl for Baby Bear.
The porridge was very hot. So the three bears went for a walk until it got cool.
Just then, a long came a little girl named Goldilocks. Goldilocks looked inside the house. There she saw the three bowls of porridge.
Goldilocks was hungry, so she tasted Papa Bear's porridge. But it was too hot. Then she tried Mama Bear's porridge. But it was too cold. Then she tried Baby Bear's porridge. It was just right. So she ate and ate until she ate it all.
Then Goldilocks wanted to sit down. First she sat in Papa Bear's rocker. But it rocked too fast. Then she sat in Mama Bear's rocker. It rocked too slow. Then she sat in Baby Bear's rocker. It rocked just right. So Goldilocks rocked and rocked. She rocked so much the little rocker broke.
Then Goldilocks wanted to lie down. First she tried Papa Bear's bed. It was too hard. Then she tried Mama Bear's bed. It was too soft. Then she tried Baby Bear's bed. It was just right. So Goldilocks fell asleep in Baby Bear's bed.
A little while later, the three bears came home.
The bears looked at their porridge, and Papa Bear said, "Someone has been eating my porridge." Then Mama Bear said, "Someone has been eating my porridge." And Baby Bear said, "Someone has been eating my porridge, too, and now it is all gone."
Then the bears looked at their chairs, and Papa Bear said, "Someone has been sitting in my chair." Then Mama Bear said, "Someone has been sitting in my chair." And Baby Bear said," Someone has been sitting in my chair, too, and now it is broken in pieces."
Then the bears looked at their beds, and Papa Bear said, "Someone has been sleeping in my bed." And Mama Bear said, "Someone has been sleeping in my bed." Then Baby Bear cried out, "Someone has been sleeping in my bed, too. Look there she is now."
When Goldilocks saw the three bears, she jumped out of Baby Bear's bed and ran.
She ran and ran as fast as she could, away from the three bear's house.
And the three bears never saw little Goldilocks again.






The Reader

本日 The Landmark での二本目は、ナチス後のドイツに残された皮肉な時代の傷跡を描いた佳作 "The Reader"[IMDb] を観てきました。


昨年立て続けに他界した巨匠 Anthony Minghella と Sydney Pollack が製作したことでも話題ですが、各賞への呼び声も高い Kate Winslet の体当たりの演技が素晴らしい作品でした。

Seven Pounds

我が家の近所のゴージャス映画館 The Landmark で Will Smith の新作 "Seven Pounds"[IMDb] を観てきました。


舞台は LA ということで馴染みのある街並がみれたのも良かったです。


ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生

