

Speechの授業で Informative Speechの課題が与えられました。テーマは自由で、自分の経験を元に図書館にある資料を使って内容を掘り下げて整理して伝えることが最低限のルールでした。私は「節約」をテーマにしました。

Some Tips for Saving Money
The world faces a severe recession. We see several articles including the terms: recession, lay off, or fall, on newspapers everyday. Here is some examples, a newspaper in US told that California hospitals feel ill effects of recession and US Holiday consumer Tech Sales Fall 5.7%. Moreover, US department of labor said 7.3 millions of people were employed part time for economic reasons in November 2008. Not only U.S. but European and Asian countries tend to have similar situations. A Japanese newspaper said new car sales dropped 22.3% in December. The news can makes us gloomy, however, we would like to get through recession without giving up our happy lives.

One day, while I was watching a TV show presented by Living Network, I got some tips for a "smart living". I would like to share with some tips for saving money.
First, I will introduce a smart shopping, then inform saving energy costs, and at last suggest to find cooperators.

You have bought something that you didn't need, after you strolled in the mall, haven't you? To avoid spending useless money, I will tell you a smart shopping. The tips are to organize your items, to think before you buy, and to bring a list when you go shopping.
To organize your closet, you prepare three bags and put your clothes into them. The first bag uses the clothes you want to keep, the second bag uses the clothes you throw away or donate, and the third bag uses the clothes you maybe wear. After organized, you should keep a low number of your items in each one of closet. If you buy one new clothes, you should throw away one old clothes. If you buy one new shoes, you should put old shoes into thrash can. As long as you keep the rule, you consider to buy new items.
Now that you control items, you may go shopping, but remember it that before you leave home, determine you needs and put them down on paper. Ant then don't buy anything that's not on the list, no matter how wonderful or how cheep it is. Even the discount item isn't a bargain if you don't need it.
Organizing the closets, deciding what you needs, and bringing a shopping list are makes you control buying on impulse. You become a smart shopper and don't spend useless money.

Next, saving budget. We also reduce our electricity, gas, water.
Replace light bulbs. If you replace nine standard bulbs with an energy-efficient compact fluorescent-bulbs, you will reduce your electricity bills by more than $100 over the lives of those bulbs.
A simple way to cut your heating and cooling costs is to turn your thermostat down one degree in winter and up one degree in summer. One degree can save up to $100 a year on your heating and cooling bills.
Use water-saving shower-heads and faucets. If the average family uses water-saving faucets and shower-heads, the family can save nearly 8,000 gallons of water a year. The family saves more than $100.
As a result of replacing light bulbs, turn thermostat one degree up or down, and use water-saving shower-heads and faucets, you can save more than $300.

At last, I suggest to find cooperator. Los Angeles is a cosmopolitan city. People gather here from all over the world. You have your own custom, culture, and wisdom. Shall we exchange the idea of saving money. We get important information and support each other.

In conclusion, I introduced a smart shopping, saving energy cost, and find cooperators. A small change in our life become a large amount of saving money. Let's start from today.

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